Exploring LACTIUM for stress!

Stress – What, Why & How!
Do you feel stressed when going for an interview or when you are planning to shift to a new house or when your kids are shouting all day and all you want is to relax? Then you are not alone. Like you, many of us face the same issue – stress and anxiety!
Modern-day living leads to stress that affects our mental and physical wellbeing. Stress is our mind & body’s natural reaction to the pressure and tension that we face on daily basis, and this is not a disease. We can have stress because of worrying about our next promotion or due to our relationship or any other reason. Every individual has a different way of dealing with stress.
As per World Health Organization, more than 450 million people in the world suffer from stress.
How does our body respond to stress?
Our body has adrenal glands. These glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions one such hormone known as stress hormone is Cortisol.

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone that works by increasing sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhancing your brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues. Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation. It also helps in maintaining energy balance throughout the day. Somehow our body doesn't actually make a distinction during various pressure circumstances. It will produce cortisol even during perilous circumstances as well as does it when you are focused on working when you are hindered into gridlock. This prompts an elevated degree of cortisol. It is at the highest during the beginning of the day and decreases by night hence we feel supercharged in the morning and tired by the day when we are faced with chronic stress the cortisol levels are not regulated and lead to issues like increased craving, increase in weight, sleep disorder, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Lactium – History
The story is that the Scientists had been researching ways to manage this stress and their efforts lead to the production of Lactium which can help you to overcome this Stress, Anxiety and Sleep Disturbance. Scientists were intrigued by the fact that the babies after drinking milk had a calming effect. They thought that one of the milk constituents could explain this soothing effect. After a lot of research, they were successful in identifying a bio-peptide present in milk protein with natural relaxing properties which is lactium – A natural milk protein hydrolysate.
Lactium – What is it?
The active ingredient in lactium is a decapeptide released from aS1-casein (a major milk protein) after trypsin hydrolysis (a common digestive enzyme) which aids to regulate stress symptoms and to helps in coping with stress and overcoming stressful events. Lactium contains less than 1% lactose (<1%) which ensures that it offers a very low risk of intolerance.
How does lactium work?
It has a complex way of showing its effect. Our body has GABA receptors which is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter that is responsible for reducing anxiety and stress. GABA receptors work with serotonin which promotes a sense of wellbeing, and ensures that the person is in a calm and good mood and is getting sufficient sleep. GABA also controls the excitatory system.
So what Lactium does is, it binds to these receptors and stimulates it thus producing this effect calming effect
Now in anxiety patients, a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines is also given but unlike it, Lactium does not create any addiction, even at a high dosage. It, therefore, acts effectively and naturally and therefore totally harmless. However, as it is a part of behavioral therapy and not a drug hence it cannot replace any medical treatment prescribed to fight pathological anxiety or depressive illness. It is recommended to be used by children, adults, active people and athletes.
A common question is if lactium is sourced from the milk then can we just drink milk or consume milk products in stress?
The answer is NO!!!
The reason is that decapeptide is not present by itself in milk and is encrypted in aS1- casein. It could be released in neonates but not in adults. The enzymatic system in adults is indeed much more complex and cannot allow the quantitative delivery of this specific sequence from the protein. Lactium is a unique formula that is hydrolysate from aS1-casein with a very specific process which have a defined parameter (substrate, enzymatic process conditions, etc)
Thus, milk or other milk products cannot produce the same effect.
Clinical studies
- In studies conducted by Lanoir D. (et Al.) & Miclo, L. (et Al.) it was observed that Lactium helped maintain blood pressure and heart rate during and after a stressful situation. The interesting point was that this effect was noted as little as two weeks after beginning to take it, and the effects were still significant six weeks later. Lactium may also have a positive effect on cortisol levels during stress.
- As per the study published in Open Sleep Journal, It was observed that Lactium improves sleep quality while decreasing the time taken to fall asleep and improving the ability to function the next day.
- Lactium showed marked improvement in stress-related digestive, cardiovascular, intellectual, emotional, and social concerns ( The FEBS Journal )
- Lactium helps in dealing with the occasional or everyday stress by promoting relaxation and not by suppressing the stress. This helps to improve sleep quality Although it may differ from person to person, the calming effect of Lactium tends to occur within 7 to 15 days with regular doses. (de Saint-Hilaire, Z., Messaoudi, M., Desor, D., & Kobayashi, T.)
Stress is common nowadays, it can be good and bad, if you want to overcome it then Lactium can be your trusted and proven ally to manage your daily life which improves your wellbeing and ensures that you enjoy a stress-free life.
References :
- ttps://sanescohealth.com/blog/sleep-lactium/
- de Saint-Hilaire, Z., Messaoudi, M., Desor, D., & Kobayashi, T. (2009). Effects of a bovine alpha S1-Casein tryptic hydrolysate (CTH) on sleep disorder in Japanese general population.Open Sleep Journal,2, 26-32.
- Lanoir D. (et Al.), Long term effects of a bovine milk alpha-S1 casein hydrolysate on healthy low and high stress responders. Stress, 5 (suppl.), 124, (2002) 3. Lecouvey, M., Frochot, C., Miclo, L., Orlewski, P., Driou, A., Linden, G., … & Vanderesse, R. (1997). Two‐Dimensional 1H‐NMR and CD Structural Analysis in a Micellar Medium of a Bovine αs1‐Casein Fragment having Benzodiazepine‐Like Properties.The FEBS Journal, 248(3), 872-878.
- Miclo, L., Perrin, E., Driou, A., Papadopoulos, V., Boujrad, N., Vanderesse, R., … & Gaillard, J. L. (2001). Characterization of α-casozepine, a tryptic peptide from bovine αs1-casein with benzodiazepine-like activity.The FASEB Journal,15(10), 1780-1782.
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