Face mapping or reading
Face mapping is a diagnostic tool that originated in ancient Chinese medicine and was used to diagnose body disorders. The theory is that when other parts of the body are malfunctioning, the face develops imperfections in specific regions. While it's always preferable to contact a dermatologist if you have a skin problem, some individuals swear by this traditional skin-care approach.
Traditionally stems from ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
This information leads us to the concept of Chinese Face Mapping, a fundamental concept that balances our health by utilizing the interrelated conditions of the body's organs. Face Mapping, to put it another way, is based on the idea that everything on the exterior is a direct mirror of what is going on within. It seems obvious that what affects one organ impacts another, given the interconnectedness of our organs via meridian channels and the fact that our bodies have a self-regulating mechanism.
Given that our skin is our largest organ and covers the majority of our external body, it stands to reason that if something goes wrong with it, something goes wrong with our interior organs as well. Pimples, rashes, or a change in skin color/tone can indicate an inside problem that must be treated in order to heal the skin and achieve optimal health. The face, in particular, is one of the numerous microcosms in the body that guides us to the body's internal workings. In acupuncture, meridian lines and sites are used to stimulate Qi flow. Similarly, each part of the face has a unique "Qi point" or link to the internal organs in face mapping.
With that said, let us consider how we might apply this great understanding in our daily lives to achieve balance and healing while also boosting physical beauty. The specific parts of the face and their internal organ systems are listed below. We also go into what harms these areas, what each condition means, and how to restore equilibrium.
Forehead – bladder, and intestines
Our neural system has a significant impact on our intestine; in fact, our CNS determines digestive function. A hyperactive nervous system and poor digestive health can be indicated by deep horizontal lines across the forehead. It could be a sign of a leaky gut, SIBO, or a bacterial imbalance. Yang represents the sympathetic nervous system, which includes stress, work, and physical exertion. As a result, you should incorporate Yin activities such as meditation, rest, relaxation, play, and sleep into your daily routine. Poor eating choices, particularly foods that feed pathogens like refined sugar and carbs, and any type of stress, alcohol consumption, and a lack of time spent in nature, are all contributing factors. Prebiotic and probiotic foods like raw cacao, colorful vegetables, and sauerkraut can help to nourish this area.
To activate the parasympathetic Yin state, chew more completely, eat only when calm, take probiotics and digestive enzymes with meals, take the bone broth, collagen, and glutamine to heal the small intestine, and practice yoga or Qi Gong.
Eyes, and temples – Kidneys
The water element governs the renal system, which controls all bodily fluid. It also controls our stress response: when the body is dehydrated as a result of poor habits or high stress, the kidneys suffer, resulting in under-eye bags, dark circles, puffiness, or inflammation around the brow ridge. In general, your brows should be darker than your head hair; if they aren't, it could signal a kidney problem. Drink enough high-quality water throughout the day to alleviate these problems; do not guzzle water because it dilutes the kidneys. Also, avoid sugar, excessive caffeine, and processed salt, which all weaken the kidneys. Get enough sleep, eat mineral-rich foods, and manage your emotional stress responses.
Nose & upper cheek – heart and cardiovascular system
Troubles with the nose can suggest cardiac problems. The left side of your nose corresponds to your heart's left side, and vice versa. The entire area reveals a lot about the heart's health. Excess alcohol, sugar, and processed meals cause blackheads, while redness signals blood sugar/blood pressure concerns. Anger, sadness, and obstinacy are all detrimental to the heart. Opening your heart emotionally, forgiving others, and being willing to understand others can all heal the heart. Reduce sugar and refined food intake, and eat healthier cholesterol to improve cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acid meals like anchovies, sardines, and cod liver oil can help to reduce inflammation. Reishi, Pearl, and White Peony are all excellent herbs for the heart.
Take Away
With the findings of Face Mapping, we understand very clearly that your body speaks to you in mysterious ways. Observing and connecting the dots earlier can help you with a lot of trouble in the long run. Although solving your breakout with skin care will not solve your gut health, the other way around (fixing your gut to fix your skin) is the better, more sustainable approach you should take.
Here are some tips and tricks you can use to solve your internal gut issues using whole foods and proper sleep:
Instead of asking you to fix your diet completely, we are listing down a few foods which you can inculcate in your regular consumption, which will help you create a more sustainable, and healthier approach to fixing your diet.
Beans: Kidney beans, Black beans.
Fruits: Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries.
Veggies: Seaweed.
Consuming the food listed above in a consistent manner will help you manage your gut health better, and subsequently, it’ll reflect in your skin.
Rest is so important for the kidneys to regenerate. The kidneys serve as a vital energy reserve that our bodies use for more than just getting through our hectic schedules. So one of the best ways to protect your kidneys is to have healthy sleeping habits. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
Your body works so much better when you lessen how you react to stress. Your adrenals can concentrate on other tasks like fat burning and keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level, which benefits your heart health.
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