Dry or Dehydrated Skin - Does it call for your attention?
When we talk about Skin we hear people telling us how their skin is oily or dry or normal. But when we look at different skin products we see some mentioning skin hydration and some for dry skin. So are they different? Yes, they are. Skin is a part of our body and is one of the systems of the human body. There are basically four types of skin

• Dry
• Oily
• Normal
• Combination
Skin type is usually dependent on genetics, products that you have been using on your skin, water that you drink or use.
Understanding Dry Skin
Dry Skin is a skin type in which there is inadequate production of skin natural oil. Our skin consists of a sebaceous gland that secretes sebum ( natural oils ) which is a complex mixture of fatty acids, sugars, waxes & natural chemicals. Its main function is the protection of the skin against water evaporation and is also the main ingredient in your body’s natural oil.
When skin is exposed to conditions like change in temperature, heat, chemicals, pollution then lipids in the skin which are natural fats that help to strengthen the skin barrier and protect it are unable to receive enough moisture hence exposing the skin and that’s when the skin goes dry.
Signs that your skin is dry:
• After a shower, bath, or swimming the skin feels tight
• Appears and feel rough
• Regular itching
• Skin peeling off – mile to severe
• Appearance of cracks
• Redness of the skin
• Cracks that are deep and may bleed
You can also try the blotting paper test in which you cleanse your face and pat it dry then gently press a blotting paper against your face. If you don’t see oil and your skin feels tight then it’s dry skin. To simply put it Dry skin is a skin type due to a lack of enough natural oils.
Understanding Dehydrated Skin
It is a Skin condition in which your body lacks water or hydration. It usually occurs in summer. It can happen to people who have oily skin or a combination skin type.
Signs your skin is dehydrated:
Dehydrated skin is a skin condition dull and itchy with complexion and tone looking uneven. It is caused due to external elements like weather or seasonal changes or unhealthy diet or lifestyle choices like alcohol or caffeine consumption. This causes depletion of your skin water content causing a less supple appearance.
Some of the symptoms are
• Darker under-eye circles
• Sunken eye
• Increased appearance of wrinkles
Pinch test
A pinch test is a method to know if your skin is dehydrated
• Pinch a small amount of skin on your cheek, abdomen, chest, back of your hand and hold for few seconds
• If your skin snaps back then it is not dehydrated
• If it takes time then it is dehydrated
Severe dehydration symptoms can go beyond your skin and lead to symptoms like dizziness, dry mouth, faintness, overall weakness and can also turn into a medical emergency and lead to hospitalization. Hence it is advised to visit a doctor immediately to put it simply Dehydrated skin lacks water.
So now that we know the difference it is important to understand Hydration and Moisturization.
Hydrated vs Moisturized skin:
Hydration means when moisture is absorbed from air into cells which then helps to improve the skin’s capability to absorb moisture and nutrients.
While Moisturising refers to trapping and locking the moisture so that it builds the skin’s natural protective barrier hence preventing any water loss and ensuring
that the skin remains soft and smooth. The difference between the two is:
• When your skin lacks oil which is dry skin then it has to be moisturized
• When your skin lacks water it is dehydrated skin and it has to be hydrated
Hydration will make your skin feel soft but it will not stay soft if there is no oil to protect that hydration from escaping. If hydration escapes then the skin will end up as dry and flaky.
Taking care of Dry Skin:
• Use lukewarm water to wash your skin as too hot or too cold water can take away essential oils from your skin
• Use a gentle cleanser for your skin that suits your skin type
• Don’t shy away to Exfoliate your skin as dead skin cells build up on the skin making it look dull. Choose products that exfoliate gently helping to remove the dead cells and smooth out the uneven texture without causing excessive drying
Moisturize Regularly as it prevents water from the skin to evaporate. The best time to apply moisturizer is just after a bath or washing your face when your skin is damp as it helps skincare product ingredients more into the skin surface

Taking care of Dehydrated Skin:
• Hydrate no matter what so Drink water regularly and keep yourself hydrated
• Avoid caffeine & alcohol as they are diuretics. Alcohol hinders the production of vasopressin hormone which is essential for rehydration
• Prefer Humidifier over air conditioner as they maintain humidity and moisture content in air which aids to keep skin hydrated
• Check Humectants products or ingredients as they have a property to draw water to skin cells
• Add Serum to your skincare routine. Before moisturizing and after exfoliating, consider adding a serum to your skin-care lineup as it is laced with peptides, particularly ones sourced from avocados, which is an amazing ingredient to treat dry and dehydrated skin and also boost skin’s natural ability to produce its own hyaluronic acid
• Be ready for season change as low humidity, hot showers contribute to skin dehydration
Dry skin is a skin type that will stick around you for most of your life ( we are sorry to tell you that ). Focus on minimizing loss of water from skin and strengthening the skin barrier for dry skin. Dehydrated skin is a skin condition that you can fix hence products that hydrate and lock it inside will be more apt . To keep both at bay hydrate yourself constantly.
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